Our spirits, are here to guide us toward living a fuller, more purposeful life. They remind us of our values, help us stay accountable to our higher aspirations, and push us to grow. However, their guidance doesn’t always mean they will help us avoid mistakes or shield us from pain. In fact, there are times when they may direct us toward experiences where we stumble or feel hurt. These experiences are intended as lessons that help us grow stronger and become more authentic versions of ourselves.
It’s important to recognise that spirits often view us not just as human beings but as spiritual entities who have chosen to take on human form. From their perspective, we are souls who incarnated to bring our deeper purposes into physical reality. Sometimes, they may even forget the limitations of being human because they see us primarily as spiritual beings. Their role is to help us manifest our soul’s mission, and that includes guiding us through the complexities of human life.
As we grow, learn, and evolve, the guidance we receive from our helping spirits changes. Just as we would expect a different level of insight as we mature in life, we can anticipate that the answers we receive from our spirits will also deepen and evolve over time. The questions we ask reflect our readiness for those insights. How we frame our questions determines the kind of answers we receive. If we’re ready to engage with deeper truths, we can expect more profound guidance.
When we ask questions of our team, it’s crucial to remember that they often operate from a perspective very different from our own. They see life as a gift, where everything we need is given to us. When our view becomes clouded by life’s struggles, it can be difficult to see this truth. If we’re unable to recognise life as a gift, the first step is to ask ourselves what has happened to obscure this understanding.
Framing our questions in a way that acknowledges the gap between our current perspective and this spiritual truth can help us gain clarity. For example, asking, “What is preventing me from seeing this situation as a gift?” or “What is blocking me from recognising the abundance in my life right now?” invites our spirits to help us realign with our higher perspective.
Helping spirits are far more interested in guiding us toward living a life that is fully aligned with our true selves than answering mundane, surface-level questions. To elevate our spiritual journey, we need to ask questions that go beyond the immediate concerns of daily life. Instead of asking about short-term solutions, we can focus on removing the deeper obstacles that prevent us from seeing the larger truths about our lives.
When we first begin our spiritual journeys, it’s important to acknowledge that we might not fully understand what’s going on in our lives. Our assumptions about reality can often blind us to the bigger picture. Fear, personal biases, and unresolved emotions can cloud our judgment. In these moments, asking open-ended questions such as “What do I need to know about this situation?” or “What am I not seeing?” can help us step back and gain a more holistic understanding.
Life is governed by universal principles that operate consistently, whether or not we are fully aware of them. When things in our lives seem out of alignment, it’s often because we’ve lost touch with these deeper truths. By asking questions that reconnect us with these principles, we can gain a clearer understanding of our situation and the path forward.
Here are some universal principles and the kinds of questions that can help us navigate disconnection from them:
Everything is connected. If you’re feeling isolated or disconnected, ask: “What is the true nature of this disconnection?” This can help you reset your perspective so that you can again see how you are part of the larger web of life, even when it doesn’t feel that way.
Everything is sacred. If life feels mundane or difficult, ask: “Where is the sacredness in this moment?” or “What is the deeper meaning of this experience?” This helps bring your awareness back to the inherent sacredness of life.
You have all that you need. If it feels like something essential is missing from your life, journey with the question: “What is preventing me from seeing that I already have what I need?” This invites a shift in perspective that can help you recognise the resources already available to you. You could also journey to find out why your life does not seem to be shaped by higher principles. “What do I need to learn or understand or do to get out of my own way?”
Everything is made of the same life force energy. If you feel disconnected from your vitality or purpose, ask: “What is the true nature of the disconnection I’m experiencing?” This can help you reconnect with the energy that flows through all of life.
You are receiving exactly what you need. If you feel like you’re on the wrong path, ask: “What do I need to learn from this situation to realign with my purpose?” or “What is really happening here that I’m not seeing?” “What do I need to learn or understand about this situation that makes it appear that I am on the wrong path?” or “What’s really going on – or what am I missing or not seeing?”
Every moment contains everything you need for the next moment. If you feel stuck or unsure of how to move forward, ask: “What am I missing or overlooking in this moment that could help me move forward?”
The path closest to your heart is always available. Sometimes, the path closest to our heart isn’t the one we instinctively choose (we tend to prefer the one closest to our power - the easy path. If you’re unsure of your direction, ask: “Am I following the path of my heart, or am I being swayed by other influences?”
Asking thoughtful, intentional questions, invites deeper insights from your helping spirits. These questions can help you overcome obstacles, shift your perspective, and embrace the deeper truths of your life. Remember, the aim is not to avoid life’s challenges but to navigate them with wisdom and understanding. Through meaningful questions and a willingness to grow, you can align more fully with your true self and the greater purpose of your life.