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Joseph Callender, September 6 2024

How to ask Meaningful Questions to our Spirit Team - Part 1

The quality of the questions that we ask to our helping spirits, determines the impact of the answers we receive. Some people come into this world with a heightened sense of truth, an inner compass that helps them discern what is true and what is not.

This ability based on clear intuition and the empathy muscle I will call a "Truth Sense".  It is linked to a well-developed energy sensitivity and a balanced, clean energy body. These are things we can cultivate with a combination of Qigong and therapy.

For many, the Truth Sense comes is an aspect of clairsentience (the ability to feel energy) or claircognizance (clear knowing). These intuitive faculties allow us to recognise truth as something we can physically or emotionally feel. “That feels true,” becomes not just a phrase but a deeply felt experience.

However, developing a Truth Sense doesn’t happen automatically. It often requires intentional energy work, such as clearing emotional or energetic blockages, which can be achieved through practices like Qigong and with trauma therapy. As we clean and strengthen our energy bodies, we enhance our ability to sense truth and refine our spiritual questions.

Refining Your Questions with Truth Sense

A refined Truth Sense helps us ask questions that align with the deeper truths we seek. You may have encountered moments when the words someone uses does not quite convey the energy or meaning they intend. We can feel the disconnect in our own bodies. This often happens when unresolved emotions or past traumas block a person's ability to express their core truth.

When your Truth Sense is well-developed, you’ll notice that your questions begin to 'ring true' in your body.  They resonate with the energy of the issue you’re seeking clarity on. Just as with any skill, refining our questions takes practice. The more we work on it, the better we become at crafting questions that ring true for the specific issues we are exploring exploring.

Here are some questions to ask yourself as you work to refine your journey questions:

One common assumption is, “I am blocked” or “I am stuck.” When we dig deeper into these assumptions, we often find that there is something more complex happening beneath the surface. We tend to settle on feeling “stuck” because it’s easier than facing the deeper issues at hand.

Validating Assumptions and Questions

As you refine your questions, ask yourself if your assumptions are valid. Valid questions—the ones that reflect our inner truth—will naturally receive answers that resonate with our energy body and Truth Sense. 

However, if the answers we receive seem to conflict with our existing beliefs, it may be time to challenge those beliefs. At times, this process may require external help to identify limiting beliefs that are hindering our progress.

Getting Out of Your Own Way

If you’re new to Spirit Communication, here are a few tips to help you develop your ability to ask powerful journey questions:

Stick to one question per journey. When you’re starting out, remember that the entire journey experience is the answer to your question. Everything that happens in the journey is part of the response.

Be consistent in your questioning. Avoid changing your question mid-journey. Doing so may create confusion about which question is being answered by the experiences unfolding in the journey. If you repeat the question, phrase it exactly the same each time to stay focused.

Use specific phrasing. Notice the difference between, “Show me the best action to take to reconcile my relationship with _______,” and “What is the best action to take to reconcile my relationship with _______?” The phrase “show me” invites a more visual or experiential response, while “what is” may yield a broader, less direct answer.

Be mindful of timing. Asking “When?” is usually not helpful, as time is experienced differently in the spirit world than in our physical world.

Take responsibility. Rather than asking, “What should I do?” focus on gathering the information needed to figure out your own course of action. So ask: 'What do I need to know about ________?

The Role of Relationships

All interactions in the world, whether with people, places, or circumstances, are governed by relationships. Understanding the true nature of these relationships is key to finding clarity. You might ask, “What is the true nature of my relationship with ______?” This allows you to examine the deeper dynamics at play.

Importantly, don’t assume that your relationship with something is the same as its relationship with you. This is where follow-up questions come in, such as, “What is the true nature of ______’s relationship with me?”

For example, your current job might be teaching you lessons you didn’t fully learn from earlier family relationships. If you’re feeling blocked in your career, perhaps there are unresolved dynamics from your past that need to be addressed before you can move forward. In this case, your questions might focus on understanding what lessons you need to still learn in your current situation in order to break free from old cycles and align more fully with your purpose.

When You Don’t Know What to Ask

Sometimes, we don’t know where to begin. If you’re unsure how to phrase a question about a particular issue, you can always ask, “What question do I need to ask?” When the answer comes, ask the question exactly as it was given to you. Trust that this process will guide you toward the insights you need.

The Importance of Resonance

A good question feels right. Once you’ve developed your ability to sense energy, you’ll be able to feel when a question resonates with the issue or challenge you’re facing. There should be a clear, energetic alignment between the question and the issue. If you’re regularly practicing Qigong, this sense of alignment will become clearer over time.

On the other hand, questions that don’t serve you—“bad questions”—won’t feel right. Just as you can sense when energy or an entity feels wrong, you’ll be able to tell when a question isn’t useful. The more you develop your energy body and your ability to sense what is true, the easier it will be to avoid being misled by unhelpful questions or misleading answers.

Refining your questions is an essential skill for all spiritual aspirants. As you develop your Truth Sense and strengthen your energy body, you’ll find that your ability to ask meaningful, resonant questions will improve. These refined questions will lead to deeper, more truthful answers that guide you on your path of growth and self-discovery. With practice and intention, you can cultivate the clarity needed to navigate your spiritual journey with greater confidence and insight.

Written by

Joseph Callender

Older Where do our thoughts come from?
Newer Refining your Questions to Spirit - Part 2