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Shamanic Practice, Spirit Communication, Personal Mentoring

Where do our thoughts come from?

The mind is the interface for how we grasp hold of, and make sense of reality.  It is the tool that we use to entangle our consciousness in the stuff of creation. When we strongly identify with it and believe we are this tool of perception, we lose our perspective of who we truly are and 'devolve' to something

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Shamanic Practice, Qigong, Emotional Mastery

Depression is disconnection

Chinese philosophy understands depression results from blocked or stagnant Liver Qi. Let's see what else we can discover when broadening the lens and perspective. My belief is that depression arises from a disconnection from divinity. The soul is our divine connection. When we become disconnected from our essence, depression can manifest as an...

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Qigong, Emotional Mastery

From Fear to Wisdom

Fear is one of the most primal and powerful emotions, deeply intertwined with both our survival instincts and our soul journey. While fear serves an essential function in warning us of danger, it can also paralyse us, preventing growth and progress. Fear often arises when we are disconnected from our deeper selves or from the natural flow of...

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Conscious Breathing

Everything that comes into our awareness is a gift from some wider aspect of ourselves. Many of our responses to these gifts, are shaped and conditioned by our past. Sometimes, we respond favourably, if the gift falls into the categories of those things we prefer; or produces effects which we judge as likeable. Our judgement, programming and...

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Qigong, Emotional Mastery

The Transformative Power of Grief

While the most profound grief often follows the death of a loved one or the end of a significant relationship, it can also arise from other forms of loss—leaving a beloved home, changing careers, or losing the ability to pursue a cherished activity. Regardless of the cause, the core principles of grief remain the

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Qigong, Emotional Mastery

Anxiety & Stress

Taoist philosophy sees anxiety as the mind creating the “wrong” type of thinking. Our mind receives information from the outside and then we take what we know from our past, and try to determine what will happen in the future; and the combination of our limited knowledge and narrowed vision causes us to see something we don’t want to see. The...

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Qigong, Emotional Mastery


In Chinese philosophy Anger is connected to the liver and the wood element. The wood element governs growth and expansive movement, and the liver directs this energy internally—both physically and emotionally. Maintaining a balance of this energy is essential to both emotional and physical

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Embodied Decision-Making

Decision Spaces is a powerful and transformative approach that integrates the wisdom of the mind and body.  By combining different perceptual positions, decision constellations, shamanic guidance and somatic practices, this approach offers a holistic and effective way to navigate choices. Whether applied in personal life, professional settings,...

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Qigong, Emotional Mastery

Overcoming Sadness

We all know that sadness affects our mental, emotional, and physical health. However, having a vague understanding of this does not really motivate us to take responsibility for our emotional states. When you discover how impactful certain emotions can be to our body and energetic system, you should realise that both avoidance and indulgence...

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