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We have a symbiotic relationship with our environment, so our environment affects us, and we influence it.

Often the afflictions that we clear for Spirit Weaver clients only accounts for a fraction of the remedy for their situation.

In these cases environmental factors are significantly impacting the situation and for some, end up being the cause of the initial disturbance.

If the environmental factors remain unaddressed, the difficulties will perpetuate and the client's suffering will progressively worsen.

Space Cleanser is an elective 4 month container that is an optional add on to the Spirit Weaver Initiations.

Space Cleanser provides foundational knowledge so you can focus your team on clearing the toxicity in your surroundings that is causing your sickness.

Why Clear Spaces?

The Stuff we bring home may linger until cleared and smudging will not remove most of the things that affect our health.

This bad energy can lead to illness and depression for those who are exposed to it for a long amount of time.

The land our house is on, can be imprinted with human activities: for example where the energy of a human massacre, or other overwhelming human tragedies, is still potent.

If there is a violent act, that can pollute natural energy lines and sacred sites. Sacred sites are any site on which ritual was regularly performed.

Toxic Energy can be found inside buildings and in landscapes that have strong geopathic stress. Toxic Qi, resonates with the frequency of the Shadow realms.

Clutter, a lack of order, as well as a lot of heavy emotions and other negative energy, can be stored in a house, that's why it is so important to have a space clearing session as necessary.

Space Cleanser is an holistic approach to space clearing, combining traditional Geomancy techniques with shamanic practices. It delves into the deeper layers of geopathic and dimensional within any space.

Creating a harmonious living or working environment is essential for our mental stability. Space Cleanser is therefore an essential step for Spirit Weavers to maintain their own psychic hygiene.

You will get the tools, knowledge and dowsing charts to level-up your cleansing sessions.

Whether you are looking to enhance your professional skills or deepen your personal practice, this container will be second to none. The price for Early Bird attendance is $3330.  Early bird ends 31st March 2025 at which point it increases to $4440.

What You Will Learn:

  • Identify and resolve environmental stresses, imbalances, and metaphysical disturbances remotely and in person.
  • Detect geopathic stress using dowsing and geomantic mapping
  • Advanced techniques for space clearing and Spirit Weaver entity clearing.
  • Understand how to tailor clearing practices to address specific needs and disturbances in different environments.
  • Learn how to identify geopathic stress points and their effects on health, such as underground water streams or electromagnetic radiation.
  • Learn how to apply geomantic solutions to mitigate geopathic stress, using energy realignment techniques.
  • Explore how elemental imbalances, like too much fire or water energy, can affect a space and its inhabitants.
  • Practice techniques for restoring elemental balance and resolving metaphysical disturbances, such as energy vortexes or ley line disruptions.
  • Practice earth acupuncture remedies.

Enrolment Form