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Welcome to the Path of Power

This transformative program will help you master self-awareness, empowerment, and reality creation.

Embark on this journey to understand how to access and wield your power with wisdom and grace.

Expect to emerge with a newfound sense of purpose and the tools to navigate your life's journey with more clarity.

Your Journey to Energy Mastery

Your life has been woven by the threads of your present self-image and the energy you have accessed up till now. Yet, you have always had access to boundless, limitless potential.

Does the prospect of huge potential ignite a spark of passion within you, or does it feel just out of reach, slipping through your fingers?

The Path of Power is a transformative 9-month journey designed to teach you Energy Mastery and Reality Programming principals.

This programme will help you change who you are and how you show up.


We cannot change our lives without more energy.  This is why the Path of Power blends energy cultivation with one on one Mentoring.

It's an all-encompassing experience designed to keep you fully embodied as you navigate various transformative tasks and exercises.

With Joseph as your accountability mentor, you'll receive dedicated support through monthly, bi-weekly, or weekly catch-ups, ensuring you're progressing on track with your growth trajectory.

This is a unique opportunity to observe and learn from the mentoring of fellow participants, and join dynamic group Zoom calls. The content is tailor-made to fit both your individual needs and those of the group.

Upon enrolment, you'll gain premium access to Power TV.  You will have 9 mentoring sessions which you can increase be purchasing more of reducing the time per session.