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Transform your Energy

Air Moves us, Fire Transforms us, Water Shapes us, Earth Heals us.

Elemental Magick combines learning and experiential practice to teach you about the principles of Magick.

It is as much about the elements of Magick as it is about the Elements.

It takes power to raise, shape and control power.

In order to wield Magick, we need to understand how to craft it.

This workshop is open to everyone and requires no prerequisites.

Elemental Sacred Tools

You will learn to empower, charge, sanctify and use the Sacred Tools associated with the Elements, and their meanings in Astrology, Tarot and how they influence, create and modify Sacred Space.

This is a 5 Week ONLINE Container that can also be taken ON DEMAND as self-paced learning.

The cost for participation is Au$777.

Repeating any Shamanic Workshop is 50% off the published price.


Spirit Animal ON DEMAND

Purchase the ON DEMAND training here and you will automatically be enrolled on Power TV - within 15 mins of your Purchase.

A log In will be emailed to you.  Once signed up, you can watch a power TV overview to learn how to navigate the platform.

Press the Power Button at the top left of any page on this website to access Power TV at any time.

ONCE Enrolled, you will have 1 month to watch all of the workshop Videos

If you already have a Power TV login, you will be able to use your it to view the content (ensure you enter the same email address when purchasing.


Payment Plan

Elemental Magick ENROLMENT:

Pay to Enrol on the Live in Person and Live ONLINE training. You can pay in full or Pay a non refundable $100 deposit to secure you place.

In person participants will also get access to the On Demand workshops after the lives, so you can really immerse yourself in the In Person Experiences, without feeling like you have to write down every word.

A log In will be emailed to you in good time after the first week (if attending online lives).  Once signed up, you should watch a power TV overview to learn how to navigate the platform.

Press the Power Button at the top left of any page on this website to access Power TV at any time.

ONCE Enrolled, you will have 1 month to watch all of the workshop Videos.

If you already have a Power TV login, you will be able to use your it to view the content (ensure you enter the same email address when purchasing).

I look forward to your participation.

What you will Learn

  • Explore the elements as the building blocks of Magick

  • Understand elemental power and how to viscerally wield it

  • Deepen your understanding of the rituals we take for granted

  • Discover the other 19 elements

  • Learn to evolve your own skill and personal effectiveness

  • Learn how to utilise elemental portals

  • Learn how to use Elemental Sacred Tools

  • Learn about the Elements and Astrology

  • Learn how Tarot is influenced by the Elements

  • Learn how to use the Elements in Sacred Space

  • Experience new ways to journey, scry and astral travel