FOUNDATIONS is the Perfect introduction to Shamanism. It's all the training you need to build your Spirit Team and open your psychic senses. It is open to everyone with or without prior knowledge.
Don't worry if you are new to shamanic practices or looking to deepen existing skills, you will receive what you need to progress and transform.
Each workshop in this series is crafted to teach you methods of spirit communication, and transform your interactions with spirit into meaningful relationships.
You will finish with a profound understanding of how your energy sits in the world, insight into the sort of person you have become, and new useful skills to enhance your life and spiritual practice.
Participation is Au$1,600 for in Person
and Au$1,500 for Self-paced ON DEMAND Learning.
Purchase the ON DEMAND training here and you will automatically be enrolled on Power TV - within 15 mins of your Purchase.
A log and Profile will be set up and emailed to you. Once signed in, you can watch a power TV overview to learn how to navigate the platform.
Press the Power Button at the top left of any page on this website to access Power TV at any time.
ONCE Enrolled, you will have 3 months to watch all of the workshop Videos - which include:
If you already have a Power TV login, you will be able to use your it to view the content (ensure you enter the same email address when purchasing.
The Payment Plan charges you Au$ 320.00 per month for 5 months only and costs Au$ 1,600 in total.
Full payment up front is Au$1,500.00
Purchasing the IN PERSON training here allows you to attend the In Person and ONLINE Lives (see Calendar for schedule) you will get access to the ON DEMAND training so you can be fully present when participating in the Group sessions.
A log In will be emailed to you. Once signed up, you can watch a power TV overview to learn how to navigate the platform.
Press the Power Button at the top left of any page on this website to access Power TV at any time.
ONCE Enrolled, you will have 3 months to watch all of the workshop Videos - which include:
If you already have a Power TV login, you will be able to use your it to view the content (ensure you enter the same email address when purchasing).
The Payment Plan charges you Au$ 333.00 per month for 5 months only and costs Au$1,665 in total.
Full payment up front is Au$1,600.00
You are:
If you resonate with this work and need to have a chat, please get in touch. I am always happy to chat to explain the work in more detail.
The benefits are vast and deeply transformative: