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At two locations for 6 weeks.

Sundays: 1pm at Yoga Tree, 5 Horne Street Elsternwick, 3185.  Tuesdays: 6:15pm at Moss Studios, 101 Evans Street Brunswick VIC 3056.

Clear your head,  Sharpen your Memory, Calm your Mind and relax your Body

This six week series will help you clear and activate your meridian system, which will increase your ability to manage stress, emotions and thoughts.

Regular practice helps you develop a positive attitude and joy toward life, optimise your ability to concentrate, and develop a sense of mastery over your body.

Throughout the six weeks we will be developing our relationship with the body and through this interaction and 'conversation' with the body, you will strengthen your ability to feel your own energy body.

With a developed energy body, you can begin to develop a  strong truth core, which let's you derive the most accurate information from your own intuition

Meridian Awakening 6 Week IN PERSON Qigong Series

Meridian Awakening was created to support your Soul's growth, maturity & transformation. Our Soul lives in our heart centre, and is made of pure Energy It incarnates to learn, grow and evolve. We evolve when we gain wisdom and increase our energy and power.

Wisdom, comes when we take stock of, reflect on, and assimilate our life lessons. For many, the missing ingredient is increasing their capacity to take on more energy, vitality and power.

The focus of Meridian Awakening is to feed your body's energy system so it resumes its function to complete your Soul.

We will be sharing Meridian exercises designed to open up the body's meridian system and balance the energy of the associated organs.

When we open blockages in the energy pathways, and reawaken our ability to sense energy flow, we can recover our health and a state of balance.

Here’s what you can expect:

Awesome Qigong: Engage in energy exercises that unblock your primary meridian channels, harmonise your Qi, and promote inner peace.
Ongoing Support: Access a wealth of articles and resources, and join a supportive community of like-minded individuals on the same journey.

The Transformative Power of Qigong

Qigong is more than just an exercise; it is a profound practice that connects the mind, body, and spirit. Through regular Qigong practice, you will:

Achieve Emotional Balance: Learn to navigate your emotions with grace, transforming negative feelings into positive energy.

Enhance Physical Health: Improve your overall vitality, boost your immune system, and promote longevity.

Cultivate Mental Clarity: Experience a clearer, more focused mind, free from the distractions of unresolved emotions.

Foster Spiritual Growth: Deepen your connection to the spiritual dimensions of existence, aligning with the greater energies of the universe.

Meridian Awakening Benefits

The meridian system is responsible for the distribution of Qi energy throughout an intricate network; nourishing and influencing body, mind, and spirit. If energy flows well through the meridians, it is distributed evenly, helping the body and brain to maintain optimal conditions.

If you are a Healer, Practitioner, Energy Worker or hold events and workshops for large groups of people, then you will also benefit from learning energy techniques to ensure that you can hold powerful clean energetic spaces in your own clinics and client interactions.

Physical Benefits

  • Activate Meridian system and kick start your own self-healing process
  • Lengthen and stretch your spine - may increase height
  • Develop a keen sense of awareness as to where Qi energy has become blocked in the body
  • Develop flexibility and strength
  • Lessen and release stress and fatigue
  • Stimulate Internal organs
  • Achieve an increased sense of vitality, as Qi energy is accumulated in the lower centres
  • Realign pelvis and spine, and the body’s symmetrical balance
  • Increase blood circulation to aid the break down of fat cells
  • Strengthen muscular, nervous, and circulatory systems
  • Expel toxins and stagnant energy from the body
  • Achieve a more robust sense of well-being.

Mental Benefits

  • Calm the mind and relax the body
  • Clear your head and sharpen memory - deep breathing stimulates circulation of oxygen to the brain
  • Increase your ability to manage stress, emotions and thoughts
  • Develop a positive attitude and joy toward life
  • Experience mind / body / spirit coherence
  • Optimise concentration, and a sense of mastery over the body - a natural by product of harmonising movement, breathing, and awareness

Sign Up

You can reserve your spot with a non-refundable $70 deposit, or you can pay in full straight away. Full payment is required before the first class. Payment plans are available on request - reach out to Joseph.