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Joseph Callender, September 6 2024

Where do our thoughts come from?

Growing up, we are trained to believe in the importance of our mind. The tool we use to make sense of the world is often mistaken for the being that is observing it. We are not what we can perceive, since we are that which perceives - we witness what the mind shows us.

The mind is the interface for how we grasp hold of, and make sense of reality.  It is the tool that we use to entangle our consciousness in the stuff of creation. When we strongly identify with it and believe we are this tool of perception, we lose our perspective of who we truly are and 'devolve' to something lesser.

An uncontrolled mind is no longer recognised as a weakness of character.  Largely because it's one of the few things that we get prizes for developing; so is it any wonder that we tend to believe everything that our mind comes up with and willingly believe that we are our mind?

Usually, we have no issue distinguishing between who we are, and the things that come out of us, except we hold a special place for our thoughts and resulting words:  My mind, my thoughts and my words.

When we begin to understand that our minds act like antenna, we can set ourselves up to recognise whether our thoughts are actually ours or have come from another source.

The following list will help you understand why we should demote the importance placed on our mind and thoughts so that we can begin to learn to develop a healthy distance from our minds and then be able to rest in the peace of our soul and energy and we can begin to learn the sources of the sounds and words that appear in our mind.  This is especially important in Spirit work as being able to understand where the thought impressions are coming from and then understand the true voice of your soul, will help you navigate the spirit world.

(this list is largely adapted from Brian Schaefer’s work):

Negative thoughts:

Chemical poisoning - Chemical poisonings can dominate or influence the energetic, neurological, bioelectrical and biochemical pathways that determine thought impressions.

Biological Infection - Biological infections (parasites, viruses, bacteria etc) can dominate or influence the energetic, neurological, bioelectrical and biochemical pathways that determine thought impressions.

Negative Energy / Entity - A lower vibrational energy / entity influencing one’s perceptions from this dimension or another. The various types of energies / entities influence individuals in different ways.

Positive and Negative:

Systemic Family Field - Thoughts arising from within the lineage energetic programs while interacting with others, or while engaging in activities or situations. Mainly consisting of Ancestral or immediate family influences, which affect the present perception of reality and the ability to function on all Levels of Being

Cellular Memory - Thoughts arising from within the body’s cellular programs while interacting with others, or while engaging in activities or situations. Mainly consisting of past influences, which affect the present perception of reality and the ability to function on all Levels of Being

Programmed Associations - The associations triggered within the lower mind, or the relationships perceived in the Higher mind, during exposure of the senses to stimuli e.g. words, smells, sounds, situations, environments.

Mind Reading - A person actively reads or inadvertently picks up on the thoughts or energies of another.

Projected Thoughts - The conscious or unconscious projection or reception of thought impressions. The result of strong emotions or feelings, or an intense need or desire to influence or serve. The Divine thoughts arise when sharing the experience of the Divine Qualities and Elements.

Psychic Impressions - A person is able to shift their consciousness within and between multiple dimensional realities simultaneously, to perceive events and occurrences within the past, present and future. These can be either unifying or dualistic according to the vibration and intent of the perceiver.

Psychic Interference - A person may inadvertently or deliberately project their consciousness to another regardless of location or proximity and between multiple dimensional realities. These can be from fantasy, gossip, negative interaction or cursing and their affects will accord to the vibration and intent of the transmitter.

Imaginings - A person’s own imaginings. Positive imaginings expand our energies. Negative imaginings contract our energies. They can originate from most other outward sources. Divinely empowered imaginings arise with other inward flowing impressions or when connecting with Nature. Your energies align with and connect to the infinite and eternal.

Subliminal Frequency - Subliminal programs and frequencies within the electromagnetic spectrum. Everything made and transmitted carries the energies and intention of its creator. Example, we can experience the resonance of literal thoughts of the person making the food we eat!

Morphic (or Morphogenic) Resonance - The vibrational frequency of the mass consciousness / unconsciousness of all Beings in an environment, on the planet or all Forms in the Universe. This can be either in or out of harmony with an individual.

Energy of air, foods and fluids consumed - All air, foods and fluids consumed contain the vibrational energies of its source. The food’s energies reflect the level of consciousness and the intentions of all those who have produced and prepared it. Eating habits also determine the nature of these thoughts. Water has memory so tends to hold the energies transmitting from the areas it has travelled through.

Intuitions - The communication within one form, transmitting / receiving information between the past, present and future self, as guidance to meet and fulfil its needs. Powered by Gratitude.

Inspiration - Receiving impressions and information directly from Nature and the Divine, serving as guidance to fulfil one’s duties and roles in service to others. Powered by Gratefulness.

Soul Connection - Two souls share similar histories, or Soul’s purposes, passions, gifts, talents or skills, or are at a similar stage on their soul journey.

Spiritual Connection - The spiritual connection between two beings allowing non-verbal communication on a conscious level. They may or may not have physical forms or be in the same dimension.

Spiritual Guidance - The communication between two beings that are not on the same level of consciousness. They may or may not have physical forms or be in the same dimension. One needs to have discernment with this guidance to ensure it’s in our highest best interest.

Pure Awareness - The conscious awareness of Being at One with another object or Being. The feeling of being at One with the Divine Nature and Divine Elements manifesting within the All.

Written by

Joseph Callender

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