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Work with Joseph



Womb & Hara Cleanses

The womb is the ultimate source of creation, nurturing new life until maturation. As an energetic core, it can be thought of as a centre of power where a woman not only gives birth to life but also births ideas, dreams, and personal transformation. In Taoist philosophy, the womb is considered a Dantien — a centre of energy in the body where the...

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Qigong, Emotional Mastery

Reclaiming Power from Trauma

Understanding PTSD Interestingly, trauma can also occur indirectly. We can develop PTSD simply by hearing about a loved one's traumatic experience. First responders, social workers, military personnel, and other professionals exposed to violence and disturbing situations are especially prone to second hand situations that cause

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Qigong, Emotional Mastery


However, when it becomes overwhelming, it can spiral into a debilitating force, leading to emotional paralysis and self-loathing. Western cultures tend to be more guilt-based, where the inner sense of right and wrong governs behaviour, while Eastern cultures lean towards being shame-based, where social perception and reputation are seen as...

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