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Our health and emotional wellbeing is significantly influenced by our ancestor's experiences and the emotional legacies carried forward in our family line.

Health Constellations are specialised Family Constellation sessions tailored to address health-related issues within the context of your family Lineage.

Together we explore how family dynamics, unresolved ancestral traumas and intergenerational patterns, impact our physical and emotional health.

With Health Constellations, the focus is on identifying and resolving systemic entanglements and hidden dynamics that may contribute to chronic illnesses, emotional disturbances, or unresolved physical symptoms.

Health Constellations can show you that your present affliction may be an unhealed ancestral situation in one of your parents' lineages.

Resolving, reframing or healing those past interactions and experiences, may be enough to restore the order within the family system, and that may remove the energetic overlay, enough to provide some relief.

In a few instances, it might be enough to remove the energy that is perpetuating the affliction, but in practice this has been found to be extremely rare.

Health constellations can help you make progress along your healing journey and can alleviate one ingredient that is keeping the affliction in place.

On the other hand, understanding that your blood pressure issue directs you to alleviate the anger from the injustices caused to your ancestors, might be enough to help honour the soul agreement, made to your lineage in payment for their DNA that gave you this body and earth experience.

Some souls select suffering to balance a previous situation, others to learn from, and others to help those around them.  If your illness was not set up to be healed, then no therapy, from any modality, will make it go away.

Healing is a personal journey for everyone and we are here to provide a wider insight, modest relief or complete understanding should that be a possible and necessary step on your healing journey.

How to Prepare for a Session

Sometimes it is useful before a session to find out the facts about the family, and any information about  and major tragedies, emigrations, illnesses and family secrets.  If you can let go and trust your own inner wisdom, you can gain a lot of insight from a single session.

You will always get what you need and are ready to integrate. Meditation and relaxation before your session can assist you to relax deeply and let go during the session.

However, a vested interest in the outcome, can do wonders to spark your family soul's interest in providing answers. Try to remain open minded and let the practitioner know if there are any concerns, doubts and fears that you may have regarding the session.

There is nothing to worry about as you are always in control and can stop at any point whenever you choose.

What to Expect

Family Constellations typically takes up to 1.5 - 2 hours and it is prudent to allow up to 3 hours to enable integration.

Take time after a session to integrate your experience.  Allow yourself the time, without needing to return to work or undertake any busy activities afterwards. Do not think about the session afterwards (for up to 3 days) and allow the energies to disperse and re-integrate.