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Joseph Callender, October 17 2024

Womb & Hara Cleanses

The womb holds the key to your creative and emotional expression. It is often called a "Stargate," as it is a portal between realms, capable of drawing in and giving life to new ideas, energies, and beings from the universe.

The womb is the ultimate source of creation, nurturing new life until maturation. As an energetic core, it can be thought of as a centre of power where a woman not only gives birth to life but also births ideas, dreams, and personal transformation.

In Taoist philosophy, the womb is considered a Dantien — a centre of energy in the body where the essence of life, or "Qi," is stored and cultivated. This energy is not limited to physical reproduction.  It extends to all aspects of creation and creativity.

Women can tap into this vast reservoir of energy, to unlock the potential to bring forth new ideas, initiate projects, and experience personal growth. Magical traditions viewed the womb as a cauldron of creation, considering it a sacred, alchemical vessel capable of transmuting raw potential into reality.

However, the womb also serves as a repository for emotional experiences. Psychosomatic medicine has shown that trauma, can impact on the body. These unprocessed emotions, manifest as physical ailments or blocks in energy, and the womb is particularly sensitive to these imprints.

Trauma from past relationships, abortions, miscarriages, or sexual violations imprint deeply within the womb. These emotional scars can stagnate the energy flow, creating blockages that hinder reproductive health.  They can also affect a woman’s ability to access her full creative potential.

In some cases, these emotional blocks can manifest as physical symptoms such as pain, irregular cycles, or infertility, but they can also affect a woman's sense of personal power and ability to manifest her dreams.

Stagnant emotional energy in the womb can sever her connection to her source of creativity, leading to frustration, creative blocks, and an inability to move forward in life. Emotional imprints act like energetic clutter, filling the womb with unresolved feelings, affecting it's ability to serve as a clear, vibrant vessel for new ideas and inspiration.

The Stargate is a passage, a threshold where energies from different dimensions can enter and take form in the physical world. In esoteric texts, the Stargate is a mystical doorway where souls pass when they enter the material world. She is the vessel through which spirit takes form as flesh.

Women can journey to activate their womb Stargate. However, the womb space needs to be cleared of emotional or energetic blockages. By doing so, they can enhance their intuitive abilities, receive messages from their ancestors and spirit guides, and unlock their full creative potential.

The hara is the male energetic centre, which is located a few inches below the navel, the hara is the lower dantien.

Often referred to as the “sea of Qi” or “elixir field”, the hara stores vital life force energy (Jing). Just like the womb, it holds creative and life-giving energy, and is the foundation of a man's physical strength, stamina, and creative potential. 

When the hara is balanced and strong, it supports clear thinking, emotional stability, and the ability to manifest one's desires into reality. Stagnation in the hara can occur due to emotional stress, overthinking, lack of physical activity, or unprocessed trauma, leading to blockages in energy flow. 

Stagnation can present as fatigue, lack of creativity, or a feeling of being "stuck". The unbalanced energy can also cause disruptions in digestion, emotions, and physical vitality, similarly to how an energetically blocked womb can impede a woman's creative flow.

A clear and energised hara supports the body and aids spiritual growth, emotional balance, and the ability to manifest outcomes. For men, grounding their energy in the hara helps them stay rooted, emotionally balanced, and capable of clear, decisive actions.

Hara and Womb Stagnation

Stagnation or blockages in the lower dantien manifest as:

When the lower dantien is energetically blocked, we may feel disconnected from our bodies, unable to manifest our dreams, or stuck in patterns of pain and suffering.

WOMB & HARA Cleanse is designed to address these energetic blockages, clearing away the imprints of past experiences, traumas, and relationships; opening the pathways for healing, creativity, and personal transformation.

It addresses multiple aspects of the reproductive system, including:

It removes ancestral burdens, allowing you to release the patterns and traumas that have been passed down through your lineage. This process will positively impact future generations, creating a ripple effect of healing.

Reclaiming Energetic Sovereignty.

During intimate relationships, we exchange and absorb each other's energy on profound levels. This exchange occurs through emotional, physical, and spiritual contact, leaving traces or energetic "hooks" that can linger in our system long after the relationship has ended.

Every partner leaves behind energetic residue, particularly if the relationship was emotionally or sexually intense. For men, this imprinting happens in the hara. Research shows that women retain male DNA from previous partners within their system.

This biological exchange of genetic material is one of the reasons it is believed that we stay entangled with our previous partners on both an energetic and physical level, even after the relationship has ended.

Every sexual encounter also can exchange soul fragments, emotions, and karma. Without conscious cleansing and intentional detachment, these imprints continue to impact our current energetic state and future relationships.

Whether you are looking to create a new project, start a family, or simply reconnect with your creative essence, a Womb & Hara Cleanse can help you tap into your innate power, as well as confer the following benefits:

Written by

Joseph Callender

Older Reclaiming Power from Trauma